Tuition & Fees
Below you will find detailed information about financial matters including tuition costs, fees, payment options, and more. Our goal is to help you plan and manage your educational expenses effectively while giving you the tools to discover insights into financial aid, scholarships, and any available assistance programs.
We are committed to providing transparency and support, ensuring a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your academic journey. Feel free to explore the resources and contact our dedicated team for personalized assistance regarding your student accounts and tuition inquiries.
Your educational investment is important to us, and we’re here to help you navigate the financial aspects of your experience at Simpson University.
Traditional Undergraduate Estimated Costs & Fees
Description of Fee | Fall | Spring | Total |
Tuition | $19,048 | $19,048 | $38,096 |
Registration Fees | $805 | $805 | $1610 |
Housing (most expensive used) | $4,075 | $4,075 | $8,150 |
Meals (most expensive used) | $2,975 | $2,975 | $5,950 |
Athletic Fees (one sport) | $1,100 | $0 | $1,100 |
*New Student Orientation Fee | $250 | $0 | $250 |
Total | $28,253 | $26,903 | $55,156 |
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing Estimated Costs & Fees
Description of Fee | Fall | Spring | Total |
Tuition | $19,798 | $19,798 | $39,596 |
Registration Fees | $805 | $805 | $1610 |
Nursing Program Fee | $550 | $550 | $1100 |
Clinical Fees (approximate) | $800 | $800 | $1,600 |
Housing (most expensive used) | $4,075 | $4,075 | $8,150 |
Meals (most expensive used) | $2,975 | $2,975 | $5,950 |
Athletic Fees (one sport) | $1,100 | $0 | $1,100 |
*New Student Orientation Fee | $250 | $0 | $250 |
Total | $30,353 | $29,003 | $59,356 |
Graduate Studies Estimated Costs & Fees
Description of Fee | 1 Credit | 3 Credits | 6 Credits | 9 Credits | 10.5 Credits | 11 Credits | 12 Credits | 13 Credits |
Tuition | $670 | $2,010 | $4,020 | $6,030 | $7,035 | $7,370 | $8,040 | $8,710 |
Registration Fees | $35 | $105 | $210 | $315 | $367.5 | $385 | $420 | $455 |
Total | $705 | $2,115 | $4,230 | $6,345 | $6,402.5 | $7,755 | $8,460 | $9,165 |
A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary
Description of Fee | 1 Credit | 3 Credits | 6 Credits | 9 Credits | 10.5 Credits | 11 Credits | 12 Credits | 13 Credits |
Tuition | $575 | $1,725 | $3,450 | $5,175 | $6,037 | $6,325 | $6,900 | $7,475 |
Registration Fees | $35 | $105 | $210 | $315 | $367.5 | $385 | $420 | $455 |
Total | $610 | $1,830 | $3,660 | $5,940 | $6,405 | $6,710 | $7,320 | $7,930 |
Description of Fee | 1 Credit | 3 Credits | 6 Credits | 9 Credits | 10.5 Credits | 11 Credits | 12 Credits | 13 Credits |
Tuition | $710 | $2,130 | $4,260 | $6,390 | $7,455 | $7,810 | $8,520 | $9,320 |
Registration Fees | $35 | $105 | $210 | $315 | $367.5 | $385 | $420 | $455 |
Total | $745 | $2,235 | $4,470 | $6,705 | $7,822.5 | $8,195 | $8,940 | $9,685 |
Degree Completion Estimated Costs & Fees
Description of Fee | 1 Credit | 3 Credits | 6 Credits | 9 Credits | 12 Credits |
Tuition | $570 | $1,710 | $3,420 | $5,130 | $6,840 |
Registration Fees | $35 | $105 | $210 | $315 | $420 |
Total | $605 | $1,815 | $3,630 | $5,445 | $7,260 |
Payment of tuition, fees, and other semester charges including assessed late fees, are the sole responsibility of the student. All payments are due on the 15th of the month prior to the start of the semester or upon enrollment after that date. It is the student’s responsibility to continue to monitor their student account balance.
Approved payment includes payment through Simpson University’s authorized third party payment processor, Nelnet. Students with a past due balance are subject to the loss of service including but not limited to meal plan, housing, Canvas access, and class attendance. Athletes with past-due balances will not be permitted to practice or play until the balance is settled. Students with an unpaid balance will be subject to late fees and ultimately sent to a 3rd party for collections in which delinquent payments could adversely affect credit.
Late fees include, but are not limited to, a $150/monthly institutional charge. Students will be unable to register for future courses including the succeeding semester, or receive a diploma when there is an unpaid student account balance. Students with an owing balance will be disenrolled from classes on the tenth day of the semester at 3:00pm and will need to pay balance in full before being considered for reinstatement.
Any exceptions concerning registration eligibility, fees and service interruptions are at the sole discretion of the Finance or Student Accounts Office and will involve signed agreements.
- Fall – August 1st*
- Spring/Winter – December 15th*
- Summer – April 15th*
*these days or upon enrollment after that date